Friday, October 17, 2008

A sanitary pad and a toothbrush

We have weekend Manager On Duty shifts (MOD) in the hotel industry.  The MOD is the one that allows all of us managers to have the weekend off and know that if the place burns down we don't have to deal with it.

With the weekend duty, the manager has to spend Saturday night at the hotel and test the standards.  They have to eat in the hotel, perhaps have a spa treatment, make a fake reservation etc.  On the following Thursday afternoon you give a report to the management team of how the standards were met and how the hotel performed.

So not sure if this is a cultural thing or just an age thing but the MOD for last weekend, a middle aged woman who has the nickname "pussy lips" due to the size and redness of her lips, reported to the group, "Called housekeeping for a sanitary pad and toothbrush".  Not a sound in the room.  Not because they were in shock that she actually used her time of the month in her test but I think because it was no big deal, which according to my sex educator father would not be.  Some post comments were even "she still needs that?"

Besides the obvious funny part of this whole thing including a PowerPoint presentation, you could look around the room and see that only four people had a look of shock and amazement on their faces, all male foreigners.

Sanitary pad and toothbrush, it's a natural request at any hotel.

1 comment:

Hedy said...

"Hi, this is Pussy Lips in room 432. Send up a sanitary pad and a toothbrush. And make it...[OH GOD I CAN'T RESIST]...SNAPPY!!!!!!"