Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How easy is it to vote?

In some countries citizens are not allowed to vote or the elections are so corrupt the votes don't count.  In the US, we can (with the exception of a few counties in FL) and we should, but do we?  

Millions of Americans have died to ensure that everyone has that right to vote for the candidate they best see fit to run the country, levy taxes upon them and somewhat rule the world for the next four years.  I have just faxed my ballot to the Miami-Dade County Clerks office and it could not have been easier.

Step 1.  Look on line for the absentee ballot request form 

Step 2.  Fill in said request form

Step 3.  Fax to your local registrar

Step 4.  Three days later receive an email with your ballot and print it

Step 5.  VOTE

Step 6.  Fax back, it's that easy.

In some countries, Australia for example, it is mandatory for all citizens to vote no matter what.  If you are out of town, vote absentee but it is the law.

It really stops the people the day after the election from bitching about the results when they didn't bother to get their fat asses off the couch and away from Oprah.

Just 13 days to go for you over in the US.  Exercise your right!

1 comment:

Hedy said...

Cool. I love the fact that you voted from the other side of the world.