Wednesday, October 1, 2008

HRH Princess Soamsavali

This weekend I was told that HRH Princess Soamsavali was coming to the hotel for dinner and since it was an Official visit and it was part of a 7 day World Gourmet Festival we hold every year and the GM was traveling, I had to have dinner with her.  Short of pulling all my teeth out I couldn't think of anything more painful than sitting down with a princess to watch her eat.

Now Princess Soamsavali is the first ex-wife of the Crown Prince of Thailand and his first cousin, eww!  But besides that she was actually very nice and took an interest in our worlds and shared stories of her life.

Prior to the dinner there were photos to be taken on her royal throne and all the chefs that had come from around the world.  "Remember not to turn your back to her", is what we were also told.  Have you tried to walk backward from someone without falling over yourself, not that easy.  "Make sure your head is lower than hers is at all times", come on, you know how tall I am?  So I see all these other people crawling around the floor at her feet trying to position themselves for the photo and I just couldn't do it.  I was in a suit for gods sake.  Besides did I mention ex-wife of the crown prince?

As it turned out I didn't have dinner with her as I was bumped for someone more important but it was a great experience to see the fluffing and fawning around her while she sat on her thrown watching the people crawl on the floor at her feet.


Hedy said...

I thought everyone in Thailand was thin and small - she looks like the princess of Somoa - Somoa Food. Oh that was mean. I sure miss you.

Daijobu-desu said...

I was a bit taken aback as well but then it made sense why she was there for the Italian dinner.