Monday, September 15, 2008

Facebook Shit-canned

Let's just start with, if you are not familiar with Facebook then you have been living in a cave.

Created by 24 year old Y generation types to keep in touch with friends which had been lost during their very short lives. It has over 100 million active users and is the 4th most visited website in the world. It has grown to be a global, seven language, web based networking tool that spans from friends to business associates to groups in favor or against something.

So who would have thought that I would have been shit-canned by a "friend" who wanted to avoid seeing her ex-boyfriend who has recently gotten married. Not only this but her son in-law has been shit-canned since he was also a friend of the ex on Facebook.

Because Facebook allows you to see your friend's friends, you learn many things. As an example, you find for the first time that your ex has recently married, that they honeymooned in Langkawi and are posting pictures. You find that your friends are actually friends with the new wife and think she is fantastic.

The lesson is that you should not be "friends" with someone on line unless you are ready to accept all the public shit that comes with them. This takes us to a bigger lesson in life. When a couple breaks up, who keeps the friends? Being told that "I can't have you as a "friend" because you are a "friend" with the ex" is just not right as the world goes and seems a bit juvenile.

So the son in-law and I have been shit-canned and cancelled as "friends".


Hedy said...

Like it. This is gonna be fun. Am I allowed to link to you?

Daijobu-desu said...

Thanks, its more of a moment in time summary vs the Enjoy-Life which is more events driven.

You can link for sure.