Saturday, April 10, 2010

Red Shirts for the love of god!

We are now in the 3rd week of protesting and in our 7th day of full on occupation of the busiest shopping district in Asia, not to mention this is where I live.  So many of these yahoos have no idea what they are fighting for as long as they get their 500 thb each day.  They are sleeping in the streets, pissing all over the place and truly making their country a complete mess.  Do they not care?  Do they not know that once this is finished they will be no better off and will have only damaged their country's future?

Here are some pics of what is happening.  While so far no real violence has erupted, when you see these temperatures (its 40C/104F) these temperaments, and a puppet master pulling the strings from afar, you have a tense situation.

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