Monday, March 9, 2009

Yu wan stetch?

Everyone needs to understand the benefits of a full stetch after a big workout.  It helps your posture, it helps lengthen your muscles and above all it helps your back, boy does it help your back; especially when your hip is pulled from its joint and then put back in place, ahhhhh.

So next time you work out, don't forget to stetch.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Japanese Culture

I am in route home after an amazing wedding this weekend.  Masayuki weds Jodie and with it come the Japanese clan down to Byron Bay.  Here we have a 70ish proud Japanese man who doesn't speak English and having had a stroke a few years ago, walking with a cane and needing help to approach the front, give a perfect speech in English that starts with:

Today is a proud day!

He then proceeds to give the entire speech in English with his wife giving him cues behind him.  If you haven't studied or been to Japan you won't get this but the Japanese culture is like nothing else on this earth.

There is nothing that would have stopped that man from giving that speech and nothing short of death would have stopped him from making it to the front of the room.  They are proud and a wonderfully respectful nation.